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Animal bedding range gets a boost

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Tudor Griffiths Group has invested in the very latest hi-tech equipment to boost production of its animal bedding range after a surge in demand.

TG Renewable Energy is part of  TG Enviro Division, and the team has spent the past two years researching, creating and testing an environmentally-friendly range of products that has proved hugely popular.

And now, the team has invested in a new Haybuster machine to help them cope with the unprecedented response to their new animal bedding material.

James Bright, TG Waste & Recycling manager, said: “Renewable and sustainable energy is a key objective for the TG Group, and we are very proud of our 3,000 sq m on-site Biomass plant and drying warehouse that houses seven megawatt boilers.

“The facility already played a key role in the renewable energy section of our TG Enviro Division, which also includes skip hire and waste management recycling. Our animal bedding is made from virgin wood peelings which are a by-product from a local timber producer, so we are actually using a surplus material which boosts the recycling element still further.”

The team’s animal bedding operation has been a great success – every five to six weeks they are providing dry bedding for over two million chickens.

“We also regularly supply cattle bedding to farms for up to 1,250 dairy cows – it’s a very dry material that customers often add lime to for sanitary purposes and our hygienic bedding goes a long way to helping farmers keep their cattle healthy.”

James said talks were also under way with several poultry and dairy farmers on potential contracts as they were particularly interested in using TG Enviro’s Woodsure Approved accredited products to demonstrate good environmental housekeeping.

“We also produce virgin wood chip for biomass boilers which provides an extremely cost-effective form of heating, especially in this current climate. All material we produce is Woodsure Approved and doesn’t contain any recycled material. It’s a sustainable, virgin material and the products are delivered loose, in load sizes between 30 and 105 cubic metres.”

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